Rules & Regulations (C)

(C) "Welcome to Plaza Dorada Condominiums" (C)
                                    a little more
Since we are a condominium and not a hotel, we do not provide hotel-like services. If there is a plumbing or electrical problem in your condo, please advise the Administration.

If there is a health emergency call Dr. Camacho at 322.294.0045 or 322.292.0020 who will come to your condominium to see you. If you need a pharmacy, take Basilio Badillo (outside the condo to the right) to Insurgentes (four blocks) turn left, 1 block and you will find Guadalajara Pharmacy on the right that is open 24 hours. If you need an ambulance, call Global Amabulance at 322.209.1123 or 322.226.1014.

If there are any other problems or requests, please contact the owner of the property:

Ray Roeder
831.246.1947 (c)
831.722.8000 (h)
831.899.9900 (o)

I hope you enjoy your stay.
